Wednesday 16 January 2013

Yoga for working women

Yoga has been practiced for centuries and is now more utilized than ever across the globe.  The benefits of yoga are many and when you consider how many hours in a week, in a month or in a year you spend working, it becomes quite clear just how valuable those benefits are in your work day itself.

Given the accumulated stresses and strains involved in women’s careers, home life as well as the impacts of society and the economy, it can all really take a toll on health, moods and mental clarity and focus in general. 

 Hypertension can be caused by emotional jumping up and down, stress and anxiety.  The Shavasana pose is especially recommended for anyone with hypertension or at risk for it.  This should be done anywhere from 15-20 minutes per day. This is very easily done by laying down with legs supine and arms at your side with just regular, deep breathing and relaxing of the muscles.  This will increase mental energy by assisting the nervous system.

You have to find ways to rejuvenate and energize yourself. Here is our recommendation for you

1) Meditation: it is healing and heart opening.

2) Yoga: the best way to honor your body.

3) Respect: yourself, what you do, your body and feminity. Value what you have been able to do, instead of regretting about what you have not been able to do.

4) Express: Choose a creative hobby, learn an instrument, write an article, paint a picture, get a tattoo and make your teenage children jealous, play a game, have fun!

5) Smile (a lot): it is the best makeup you can wear.

6) Take a break: you deserve it!

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